Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lab #3- Lonely Cell Phone

How was my thirty-one hours without technology? You might ask... Horrible... for my poor mom and dad. I chose to cheat the system a little bit, by giving up my cell phone from Friday night to Sunday night, while I spent the weekend in Greensboro, with my best friend. Needless to say, when your with the one person you spend most of your time on the phone with, it’s not to hard to go such a long period of time without your phone.
Unfortunately, this experience did affect me a little more than I was hoping for it to, and I was in the perfect environment to be without my phone! I’m one of those people, who is addicted to my phone.., No Seriously.. I’m like a crack addict with that thing. When I don’t have all my basic tools and instant communication I will seriously shake. It’s sad, because my phone helps me through everything. It tells me the time, without having to think, It tells me how much to tip the waiter, and how to split the check between me and my friends, it connects me to my friends in family is the drop of a hat, and it provides me hours of Tetris fun when I’m bored in certain classes (not Milnizzle’s) and concerts! Without this piece of beautiful technology I would probably cease to exist.
When I don’t have a phone I feel left out, and lonesome.. I seriously think of my phone as my best friend, and without it I get extremely bored. A day without my cell phone is like seeing Bridget Jones singing “All by Myself,” and honestly it’s pretty sad. I spend the day thinking about, who I want to talk to from home, and who I would really like to be texting in whatever boring atmosphere I’m in. Days with my cell are much happier. I’m not one of those people, who checks their phones every five seconds, when they’re with friends, but it still feels like a part of me and my day. I feel like technology connects me to the many people I don’t have around me in this bubble we call UNCSA, so hopefully I wont ever have to give it up again!

By: Gentry Hodnett
Group: Gentry Hodnett, and Becca Blank


  1. I completely agree with this! I couldn't imagine living without my phone simply because it is my alarm, clock, and calendar as well as my way of keeping up with my friends.I think it is amazing how we have come to depend on one tiny device for so much stuff.

    --Katie Love

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